Preserving special moments
For many people, getting sentimental means sitting down and flipping through a photo album and looking at the pictures which depict things that happened in their lives; and it must be clearly understood that these pictures are not merely pieces of colored paper with images. On the contrary, they often trigger deeply-seated emotions which can vary from happiness to feelings of warmth and sadness depending on the memories attached to such preserved images which we all cherish.
Of the moments that many individuals and couples often take careful steps to preserve is the schedule of events on their wedding day; and for this reason, some couples even go to the expense of hiring one or more professional photographers to capture the important moments of their lives. These photographers, however, may not always advise the client of how to strike a pose, but rather, are expected to wait patiently for opportunities to spontaneously capture natural postures and activities that can be transformed into memorable moments reflected in portraits of the event.
Fully prepare for the event
Most photographers, when preparing for a wedding engagement will often hire on assistants – if they don’t already employ such help – so that they will be able to maximize their strategy to create an album that will not be considered one they will live to regret. That having been said, however, what if your friend was getting married and you wanted to take your own personal pictures of the wedding from your own perspective, and as your own gift to that friend for later reflection and a few laughs? One concern you might have would probably be about the quality of your pictures; and perhaps the best way to address that concern is to use a digital camera to capture those special moments of your friend’s wedding.
Obviously if you don’t have a digital camera you’ll have to go out and purchase one for the occasion; but you may also need some pointers on using it and how to get the best quality pictures. So with that in mind, the following few tips, techniques and style points, while basic in nature, were designed for anyone who wants to capture the best quality photos of any event while using a digital camera, and they are provided here in the hopes that they can be of some help to you with your digital camera.
A few tips and techniques
Take a look:
- Make sure that the background is good and the environment is not very crowded when taking a picture of a couple or any intended target;
- If the background is nice but it is hard to focus on your target (couple, relative, guest etc.) you may shoot them from shoulder up;
- If some of the guests are wearing glasses, you may advise them to stand and tilt their heads a little downward or sideways to avoid glaring which normally results from using the flash;
- Use the zoom – in or out – to include a couple (or group) in the picture or exclude them;
- Avoid shooting a couple or guest against the light to avoid dark images from appearing;
- Since candid shots tend to be very dramatic, as they reveal more than the quality of the picture itself, a few such shots might enhance your photo album. Many professionals do this to capture intimate and memorable moments
- Be alert at all times since you can seldom ask individuals to pose again for you;
- Make sure your digital camera is equipped with the appropriate memory cards or sticks to ensure that no great moment is missed.
Shopping for memory
The last tip above, while seemingly routine and straightforward, can easily be overlooked while making preparations for such an important event, so you have to make sure to carry an extra memory card for more reasons than one, but especially when you want more moments to preserve. And while we’re on the subject of memory cards, it is crucial that the following suggestions be considered before buying a memory card:
- For 3 mega pixels, buy a 256 MB memory card;
- For 4 mega pixels, buy a 512 MB memory card;
- For 6 mega pixels, buy a 1 gigabyte memory card.
Please note that it is not advisable to use low resolutions if the images are to be displayed and hung later. Just always remember that the higher the resolution utilized, the larger the size of prints that can be made. Make sure to keep a copy of your best works so you can use and reuse the techniques that made your viewers smile and appreciate your creative approach even more. If you haven’t saved digital photos before you’ll be pleased to know that entire albums can be on your personal computer to free up space in your memory card; but you may also use other software to enhance the quality of the prints to be made.
The art of photography
Photography is truly a wonderful activity and a great profession which many consider to be awesome beauty, excellent craftsmanship and wondrously orchestrated art. And when photography is combined with an event such as a wedding – memorable, authentic and wonderful as it is – the staging of this craft and event will trigger emotions and memories in the long run; and more so if images are well captured and preserved. Ultimately the capturing and preservation, in order to be properly done, will depend on your camera as well as your love for this art and the couple or target you’ve taken photos of.
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