Prior to looking for that specific job which would be most suitable for you, it is important to learn the most effective way to market your talents; because effectively marketing your talents will help you gauge the possibility of landing the job you really want. First and foremost, skills and interests should be personally evaluated, and Jotting down a list would definitely be the best way to define and evaluate your capabilities.
Secondly, you should know your limitations since there are jobs that may be too demanding and therefore might not work for you; and on the other hand, some jobs may not require the level and/or multiplicity of skills you possess and, as such, would render you overly qualified for those jobs.
Thirdly, consider the importance of planning, which is an integral part of the job scouting process. For example, it is important to plan your time in a manner that supports spontaneity; whereas as soon as there is an inner instinct which indicates to you that you’re ready, willing and able (another way of saying qualified), you will be able to act.
Be the early bird
Once this has been done, go to companies and prospective employers early in the morning. This will give them a good impression of you; but it will help you, as the applicant, to give yourself enough time to complete the application process if everything else goes well. Remember this old adage, “the early bird catches the worm.”
Of course it is already common knowledge that the very first thing which should be done when looking for a job is to prepare an impressive resume; and naturally, the resume type and quality often depend on the type of job being applied for. However, there are times when certain employers require curriculum vitae and even a cover letter or “letter of intent.” But despite the resume type, you must keep in mind that every professional job you apply for expects to receive a well written resume.
After preparing the documents needed for application, the next thing which should follow is finding vacancies for new hires. Searching/using the Internet will be very helpful for this particular task. There are sites like HotJobs, America’s Job Bank, and Monster that provide this type of assistance, as well as resources and convenience for people to look for jobs.
Where and how to look
Where else to look for job openings? – The initial step is to look at local newspapers because these sources can provide information (found in the Classified Ads section) as well as lists of wanted personnel and employment opportunities. Applying at several companies initially in a local area can save an applicant even more time and money. If it so happens however, that a job was found late in the day, it is important to call with inquiries right away because it is never a good idea to let a day pass when opportunity knocks.
How to look for jobs that are not announced? – Sometimes companies and private employers do not actually advertise their job openings. Under such circumstances the best course of action an applicant can take might be to weigh the possibility of being hired by a certain company simply by submitting an application form or resume. One way to go about scouting out these kinds of jobs is to start looking personally; tell everyone about your job scouting and what you expect to find.
Relatives and previous offices or company co-workers will be able to provide hints on job vacancies in their current companies. Professors or teachers will also be helpful in recommending schools and institutions that are now looking for new instructors. These folks might not have any vacant positions with their company in mind, but they quite possibly may know someone who knows where a new employee might needed. That’s what others call networking.
Often times the Yellow Pages could serve the important purpose of providing information on how and where to call during your search for a job. This source gives an accurate list of companies and prospective employers in a chosen area. In addition, visiting the library is also a tool than can be useful when looking for a job. There are libraries that make available, a list of local employers; just asks the librarian for more information.
Direct contact
Contact these employers personally, even if they did not advertise any vacant positions with their companies. Lastly, be observant of signs posted on doors and windows of shops and stalls on your journeys to and from daily destinations. If luck prevails, you might be able to walk in and ask for information about the job and how to apply.
After submitting application forms and resumes to the respective companies, keep track of the progress by creating a chart on which you can jot down the name of the specific companies, application dates and other important information submitted.
Here’s a job-scout checklist to help you along your way:
- Identify experience list
- Identify prospective employers
- Prepare documents
- Plan schedules
- Contact companies and/or employers
- Get ready for an interview
- Evaluate how interview went along
- Take the exams
- Start with the new job!