Photo Editing Software Options for You

A more perfect image

Ever since the introduction of digital photography and subsequent improvements (including accessories and equipment) that help to refine digital cameras, more and more people have used these marvels of technology to achieve better quality photos; and yet – in spite of such the excellence in digital cameras – users sometimes still don’t get as perfect an image as they’d like. However, because of the existence of digital photography software, we all now have the ability to modify and edit our photos in order to get the more perfect image we want.

There are many examples that can be provided in support of this viewpoint, but the list of digital photography software below, which consists of various types, is a better and more powerful way to demonstrate the many ways you can use such enhanced accessories as they are made available in the marketplace. So without further elaboration, here are those software options.

Adjustment of graphics/photos

Infran View. With this software program you can alter the graphics at the same time as you crop and cut your graphics, produce slideshows and even enhance those graphics; and all these features are made available in one simple, free software program. This, by the way, is also perfect for group processing.

Image Force. This is a free software program with editing and painting tools which also has an image editor. This software will also let you transfer images from digital cameras and scanners; but it is best used for modifying, sending and printing you photos; and even though it is a rather complicated program, you can be rest assured that you’ll have a quality output.

Kodak EasyShare Freeware. Kodak has been a well-known name in the photography industry for a long time and still is, because the company has adapted to the digital transformation of this industry by creating such software products like this EasyShare Freeware that is widely used for modifying, sharing and even printing your photos. This product is great for amateurs since it is easier to use.

PhotoFilter. This is a simple software program, and although it has limited features, it is elegant in such a way that it has a user interface and lots of image adjustment buttons, effects and filters.

The list continues

VCW Photo Editor. This free version of graphic editor provides lots of editing and painting features, as well as tools such as: a text tool, color replacement, gradients, editing in any scales, selections by region or color, special effects and much more. You can also upgrade to a higher version of the tool for added and better features.

Picasa. This is a freeware from google which gives you the ability to share and edit all photos saved on your PC; but the good thing about this digital photography software is that it instantly sets all the images and then sorts them by album with the date on each folder which would help you to easily recognize all your pictures. You simply drag and drop to organize your albums, as well as to create labels on each album. Moreover, Picasa like any other software, gives you the ability to share and send your pictures by uploading them in your emails, and blogs.

Serif Photo Plus. This digital photography software includes features such as: editable text, image slicing, export optimizer, image maps, smart shapes, selection tools and other image enhancement tools. The current version has been available online free of charge for sometime, but you can order a CD with a shipping charge if you choose to.

ADG Panorama Version 5.0. Like other software programs, Panorama also lets you share your photos easily and generate them quickly; and it has added features that embed, edit and publish 360 degrees of interactive panoramic composition directly on the web. This software is internet dependent, however.

Picture Shark. PS is freeware allows you to “inscribe” visible text or logos on the photos; but it offers additional features which include, the Wizard user interface and the capacity to produce real watermarks; but it also has a feather that create edges between the picture and the stamp in order to make the image smarter; and it supports any image format.


These are some of the available digital photography software available at the writing of this post, and there is sure to be more to come as technology continues its rapid pace of change and progress. As a digital photographer you can always play with your image by using a little creativity; so don’t be afraid to explore. Practice and research more on the software program that you think would work best for you.

The Write Approach for Email Marketing Content

Via email

Aspects of email marketing include sending advertisements via email to a large subscriber (or opt-in) list; publishing and distributing an e-newsletter; and sending informative emails with a soft-sell approach that encourages recipients to make a purchase or visit your website. Whether you opt to utilize one or all of these email marketing techniques, you will be faced with one specific dilemma; and that is writing the content which will appear in these emails. Writing content is critical because these emails may be the first impression a potential customer will get in order to make a determination about your products and services.

Superior content will provide potential customers with a good first impression which may make them more receptive to the idea of purchasing your products or services; and as such, this article will discuss some of the proven techniques which have been used to ensure that the content you include in your email marketing campaign will reap maximum benefits. Keep in mind that such benefits are not restricted to the purchase of products/services, but could consist of brand recognition, increased “like and trust” for you and your company from your subscribers and maximum credibility among those who like and trust you, as well as the broader market place.

Content sent to subscribers

As for content you send to subscribers, the importance of hiring a professional writer to assist you with your email marketing campaign cannot be stressed enough, if you are unable to create such content yourself due to time restraints, lack of confidence or lack of writing skills. As content is one of the most critical elements to the success of your campaign it is important that you approach the subject with the utmost care and seriousness; because although you may be a decent writer, or you may have a staff member who you think can do a good job creating the content for your email marketing, the quality of the work will likely not be of the same quality as a professional can produce.

On the other hand, if you or your staff member is a professional writer by trade, you can – by all means – proceed to create your own content. Approaching content creation in any less serious or careful manner can be very damaging, especially if your competitors are hiring writers to create their content. Writing content for email campaigns is not the same as writing posts for a personal blog; they are vastly different tasks in the sense that on a personal blog, readers prefer to communicate and subscribe to an individual using his/her own voice; whereas content for email campaigns content for email campaigns directly affect your brand and therefore must be seen by your prospective customers as professionally written, or at least be viewed as favorable and having been written by professionals.

Content considered effective

The content you decide to include in your email marketing efforts is largely a matter of personal preference but there are some methods which have traditionally been more successful than others. The type of content which may be effective often includes informative articles, short useful tips, links to relevant websites, advertising for complementary products and even some subtle forms of advertising which are meant to persuade recipients of the email to either make a purchase or visit your website.

Sending full length insightful articles which are likely to be of interest to the members of an email subscriber list is an excellent idea for your email marketing campaign, as providing such articles is considered a good idea since they will likely contain information which the recipients of your email will appreciate. Additionally, these articles give you the opportunity to include information about your products or services in the copy of the email. This can be a subtle form of advertising when it encourages the recipients to purchase a product or service or visit a website or product page without actually asking the recipient to do so.

Product reviews

Short product reviews can also be very helpful – if not of high value – when you include them in your email marketing campaign. These reviews can help to attract a great deal of attention, especially when the reviews focus on the products you offer, and provide favorable reviews for these products. This type of information can either be subjective in nature or can remain objective by having the writer to simply specify certain features of your products and offering other concrete pieces of information as opposed to opinions of those products.

Advertising is quite often an important part of an email marketing campaign; and such advertising may either be direct or indirect in nature. Direct advertising may include banner ads or other graphical advertisements which encourage website visitors to click through the link and reach either your website or a sponsor’s website. Indirect advertising may apply to content in the copy of featured articles which subtly encourage visitors to make a purchase or visit your website. The indirect marketing in an email marketing campaign is usually supportive of products or services you offer while direct marketing will likely promote products and services offered by sponsors who paid to receive advertising space in the email.

Please note

It is important to note here that recipients of marketing emails are usually well aware that these graphics and other inclusions of such emails are part of an advertisement and many of them will choose to click on these links when they have an interest in the products or services being offered. In fact, some recipients may even click on a link or banner to learn more about the quality of a product/service being advertised, or to learn more about the company behind such a product or service before expressingh an interest in making a purchase. So you never know exactly what might motivate (inspire?) a potential customer to take action; but you do know that if your content is deemed to be unprofessional by that potential customer, s/he won’t click on any link/banner for any reason.

As a token of our appreciation the free ebook titled, Storytelling Marketing can be yours if you have any interest in the art of storytelling. All you have to do is download it here, enjoy the reading and learn how storytelling can be a powerful ally in any business or marketing pursuit!

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