How Network Marketing Thrives

Keep it simple

Ask any of the more seasoned and successful Network marketers and they will tell you that the key factor in Network Marketing is simplicity. Network Marketing is a very simple business, but keeping it simple does not mean that hard work is not involved. One of the common mistakes found in this type of home business is that some people try to make it complicated.

Even if a complex system achieved great results for you, others will find it difficult to copy. If you are a network marketer, personal success is not your greatest asset. Your greatest asset is a system that guarantees the success of everyone using it, which simply means that if you and fellow members are thriving within such a system you must embrace that system and show your new members how to teach it to others. The success of others, and your success, is dependent upon their ability to do the same things you do (duplicate your efforts). Keep the least experienced of your network group in mind when you set up a system of doing things for your organization to follow.

Everything you do must be simple enough so that everyone can quickly duplicate your efforts and achieve the same phenomenal results as you. In Network Marketing, you should not do things that require special skills or resources which are available only to you or to a limited number of people. Open up your business to a much larger pool of people who can become successful.

Build quickly

You need to build your network as quickly as possible. You can only meet with a few people each day and can personally close even fewer sales; but using a Network Marketing strategy, you can help others quickly learn to do the same simple things as you. When they do, they multiply your efforts.

Helping them to achieve for the same phenomenal results is quality duplication. Each person in your Network Marketing group, from top to bottom, must be able to exactly duplicate what you are doing and be able to teach others to do exactly the same thing. How large a sales team you are going to build ultimately depends on how well the strategy is duplicated.

To ensure duplication, you need a system or processes that anybody and everybody can follow and teach. You cannot duplicate a person but you can duplicate a system. Therefore, in building a successful and long-term network, the Network Marketing system must rule. Remember, a system is only as good as the ease with which it can be duplicated.

The more complex a system, the less likely will quality duplication be achieved, and to make sure you duplicate well, follow the System you are provided with religiously. Understanding that there is no perfect system, your time is better spent perfecting your ability to duplicate a good workable rather than trying to perfect one and end up making it overly complicated, or too complicated for others to follow and teach.

Simplicity by design

Here is another way of putting it in the form of this example. Ray Krocs, the founder of MacDonald’s, cannot be duplicated but the MacDonald franchise system he devised can be, and is, to almost 100% perfection in 18,000 outlets worldwide. Keeping it simple is meant to ensure that you do things which your distributor can learn from and duplicate.

Can what I am doing be easily duplicated? Is it simple enough to be interpreted, processed and repeated? Keep asking yourself these same questions and if your answer is “yes” at least 75 % of the time, you are on the right track. Keep in mind that the most successful people in Network Marketing understand that everything must be kept simple in order to grow their business.

The most important reason for creating and adhering to a simple strategy is to achieve success for yourself and those who you share the business with. Show others how simple it is to do what you do, because they need to see you do it, and then believe it is simple enough for them to quickly duplicate your actions in order for them to achieve the same positive results in their Network Marketing business thereby enhancing your your Network Marketing growth and success. It’s really that simple!