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As the saying goes, “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going,” and in today’s pandemic, self-quarantined, business lay-offs and business closures environment the going is indeed tough. So there are several network marketing opportunity links throughout this website – including this post – for those who are ready to get going by leveraging their skills and marketing savvy to make some extra money. Feel free to click any of the links and join the particular network of your choice to get started. After all, today is the first day of the rest of your life, right?
Earning extra money
Now that we had an chance to explore the free gift (hope you liked it), let’s talk a little about how to make a few extra dollars. Just to be clear extra money, as discussed here, refers to money that you can earn in addition to the regular income earned from employment or normal work. They are dollars which can be used to payoff outstanding debt, to build up a capital account, or even to spend on so-called “luxurious” items while treating yourself. However, while everyone seems to want extra money it seems that not everyone wants to work a second job; so the the question is, where will those extra dollars come from?
Today various ideas for generating extra income are offered via the internet as well as the general market place. These ideas include traditional home-based business (HBB) entrepreneurships and numerous network marketing offers that allow individuals to keep working at their present jobs while putting to use whatever skills they may possess to build a part-time business into an extra income producer. Both these business types have been successful to some extent.
Other extra income options which can be explored on the Web include affiliate marketing, article writing and advertising as well as simple technical and non-technical jobs, any one of which has the potential to provide a few if not substantial dollars that you can use to augment your regular income. The extra income that can be earned from these opportunities depends on how good your skills are in the field of your choice, and how motivated – or even passionate – you are about the particular selection.
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Extra money is normally seen as a windfall and the options available today are available in those areas that will generate employment and are targeted specifically at individuals capable of awakening currently dormant skills to make some more money for themselves. To achieve moderate success in generating an extra income it is important that such individuals be aware of their specialized skills as well as their strengths and weaknesses.
This awareness would be of considerable value in selecting the most suitable way to generate those extra dollars; but just as important as making extra money, is learning how to manage it and making it work for you; understanding that it will work as long as you take it seriously and treat it as a business. That’s where good accountants – the true money managers – and their advice become as important to you as discovering the extra money source and making it work for you to the fullest.
Decision makers
People who make decisions in accounting make them in relation to three categories. Category 1 consists of those who manage a business. Category 2 are the external people who are connected to a business and have a direct financial interest to that business. Category 3 are organizations that have an indirect effect on the business. This applies to NPOs (non-profit organizations) as well. Keep in mind that some small businesses aspire to become big corporate companies, so the structure of those entities are designed to support such growth.
Management refers to the group of people who are in charge of operating a business and therefore are responsible for making sure the business meets profitability and liquidity goals. If a business is extremely large, then management of it will likely require more than one person, as well as a work force hired to perform various functions of the business. Managers need to answer important questions regarding the company’s net income, and whether or not it has a substantial rate of return.
Other important concerns a manager will have to deal with relate to whether or not the business has enough assets, and which products bring in the most money. When making a decision, however, managers usually follow a systematic approach because, even though larger businesses require more comprehensive analyses, they often follow a similar pattern to small businesses as outlined in the following paragraphs.
Business operations
- Financing a business – Financing for a business is critical because it needs money with which to continue operations. Here is a popular website that offers additional information about financing a small business. The SBA is a governmental agency that provides information – some of it advisory in nature – to the nations small businesses and, depending on the size and nature of your business, the SBA may be a source of financing for your small business.
- Investing in the business – Companies invest in their assets as a means of self-financing and projected earnings if they continue to do well, in which case they stand to gain substantial profits.
- Producing goods or services – Operations and production management is responsible for developing and producing goods and services that the company can sell.
- Marketing – Business owners and managers learn marketing and advertising skills so they will be able to distribute goods and services more efficiently.
- Managing workers – Human resource management requires hiring qualified employees, supervising them and paying them.
- Providing information – The information management retrieves data about the company, such as how much it revenue it produced in the last month, and organize the data in a way so that it can be used in the most effective manner. It also releases information to managers and important or connected people outside the business.
Taking step 1
Starting a new business need not be as difficult as some folks make it seem. Let’s face it, no business starts out being a big business or big corporation. Most big businesses grew out of small businesses, some of which were started by a single individual in his/her own home (or garage), and through hands-on management and sound financial principles grew, methodically, to become the successful entities they ended up being. So take the first step by making a small investment and stay with it until it becomes the successful business you want it to be.
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