Avoid impulse buys
Having a credit card is very convenient since carrying large amounts of cash creates unnecessary security risks, like the inability to trace it in case of loss or theft; and a credit card seems to have a strong enough attraction which makes it kind of difficult for you to leave yours at home. However, with the many advantages offered by credit cards also come disadvantages. Since you can always buy things without carrying cash around, you are always tempted to buy something on impulse that you may not need.
So if you have excellent control with your finances then you are to be commended; but if you have a hard time managing how much you spend on your credit cards, then these simple pointers outlined in the following paragraphs can be of great help you.
Get organized & evaluate
First and foremost, obtain your credit card records to have a better idea of your spending. Be sure to double check the records for errors and ensure accuracy by comparing your records against those of the credit card company. A good example would be to find out if you have outstanding debts that should not be there, as well as the accuracy of the listing your past and present address listings.
Evaluate your credit card
Go over your recent credit card records and look at the interest rates. Some credit card companies have promos wherein they offer lower interest rates for a period of time and this promo may already be over yet you have no idea and are already paying at a higher interest rate. Also take note of the membership fee which some charge card companies charge annually since some membership fees can be very high. Consider cancelling such memberships if you are not a frequent user.
Pay promptly & manage debts
It is important to pay your bills on time since it can have a negative effect on your credit record or rating if you are a habitual late payer. You will also be able to avoid getting charged because of not paying on time. Try asking the credit card company to remove the overdue charge if you have forgotten to pay it on time for the first time, some companies will be willing to work with you, as a reliable excellent payer.
Managing your debts is a key part of the whole equation, so that if you see that you have more debt than is comfortable for you, think ahead and plan out how you will repay it or at least reduce that debt. Devise a way to pay more than what is required of you so that you will have a reduced payment schedule. Prioritize the card that has the highest interest rate. Do not bring your credit card always when you go out for a stroll since temptations are usually in ample supply.
Reduce your bite sizes
As the saying goes, “don’t bite off more than you can chew”; which is translated to mean, do not spend more than you can afford. True, a beautiful gold bracelet may be enjoyable to wear but the price tag may mean paying a lot for the next several months. If you are bent on saving money when using your credit card, unnecessary items like jewelry and the like should be at the bottom of your priority list.