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Many Web businesses are informational in nature so a big part of starting a Web Business is providing content to help others understand the nature of products and/or services being offered. That content may also be educational in nature if the Web business is designed to help others start a Web business of their own in which case, the information provided might take the form of tutorials, how-to articles and e-guides covering topics such as: Business on the Web, Your business, Starting your Web business, Ebook publishing, and Affiliate Marketing, just to name a few.
Business systems!
Not included above is information related to business systems, an important topic in any conversation related to business, but the remaining paragraphs on this page covers that subject. However, not everyone think about business systems in the same way, and I often wonder what most folks think of at the mention of business systems. Do they think of an IBM mainframe computer sitting in a big room in the middle of a big building? Do they think of expensive, highly specialized software? Believe it or not those thoughts represent what many small business owners imagine. And, as a result, they think it’s not for them; but entertaining such thoughts would make them only half right.
Half right because highly specialized, expensive software is probably not for a typical business owner. Half wrong because good business systems most definitely are. The point is that a business system is not necessarily hardware or software, it’s the way in which business owners do any part of their business. In other words, it’s how the business owner does things, because s/he is using systems every day but maybe not as efficiently as s/he should or could.
If business owners get everything they know about their business out of their head and onto paper they will certainly have a more detailed and marketable description of their own systems; And you, if you’re a business owner, can do the same with your system. Start writing out how you do things in your business. At a minimum, write out how you treat your customers or clients, how your paperwork for each sale flows, how your production systems work, how you market to clients, and how you do your bookkeeping.
Transfer it to paper
According to the old adage, “memory is a thing that you forget with,” so make your notes in detail. For each area, make a very detailed description of every step in the process, including what you do and why you do it. Also include the subtle parts that make your company uniquely you (your USP); and don’t forget the parts that you are most proud of. Try to transfer to paper the tricks that make your business efficient; and don’t be afraid to also write down what you tried that didn’t work, and explain why if you can. Each method should become a very rich, highly detailed system. Why so much detail?
Because this is the beginning of being able to consistently deliver results, and the start of being able to consistently deliver results – even when you are not around. Documented (written) systems make delegating much more manageable, and delegating is one of the keys to success in growing your business while still having a life.
Maybe you don’t want a bigger business, and maybe you want to keep yours small; but still, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to go on a long vacation and turn the keys over to someone else to run your business and make money for you while you are gone? Without systems that wouldn’t be remotely possible, but with a good system in which your methodology is documented in detail almost anything is possible. Now, does that sound like something which should be reserved only for big business? I think not.
For more articles about business in general and Web-based business in particular, please visit the following pages:
- A Home-based American Dream
- Motivation & Commitment Fuels Home-based Business
- Tools & Resources for Your Home-based Business
- Web-based Home-based Business Distinctions Blurred
- Web Business Essentials
- Your Own Affiliate Entrepreneurship – A Review