Thanks for stopping by!
A big welcome is extended to past readers and supporters of the following websites:
- Web Marketing Tips;
- Dollar Counts eCommerce Treasures;
- Marketing Internet’s Niche treasures;
- Businesses4Us; and,
- Web Connections
Content from the above websites was recently merged with TPJaveton WebNet in an effort to consolidate our various marketing properties into one comprehensive site! We hope you like… enjoy?… the resulting combination. Thanks again!
Your Web-based Business Needs This!
We hope you find the content useful and that you spend a few minutes of your time – which we know can be very limited – to browse our pages. Please visit our Marketing Tools and Resources page and make sure to grab one of the FREE Information Products in the sidebar before leaving. They were created in an effort to save time and reduce costs for you, our valuable supporters. Thanks!
We originally set up this website for the purpose of providing information relative to areas of Web marketing, but before we get to the Web marketing part let’s talk a little about “making money” because there is so much hype around making money online that some things which should be talked about get looked over. Click here to read more!
Anyway, back to the Big Welcome message.
Marketing on the Web consists of many different areas, niches and specialties but popular Web marketing methods such as Email Campaigns, Article Writing & Publishing, Website Creation & Publishing, Blogging and Niche Marketing are just a few among those methods which we will discuss in greater detail.
Web Hosting Package Sale… Click here for details!
A good tip or technique that works for one may indeed work for someone else who is working on a similar project. That is the spirit in which this website was created; So whether you are a beginner taking your first steps in the Web marketing field or a veteran well advanced in your Web marketing career or business, you may be able to use a tip or technique that, when added to what you’re already working on, makes the difference for you.
We hope the information on these pages will provide you with tips, techniques and ideas relevant to your own Web marketing business and that you will come back to our site on a regular basis.
Expanding Your Comfort Zone
Drinking water from a glass or a cup is pretty easy to do because we all learned how to do it (sometimes at the insistence of one parent or the other) many years ago, otherwise it’s possible we may still need that special cup with the small hole protrusion that we wrapped our lips around in order to ingest liquids.
A similar transition was made from the three wheeler (tricycle) to the two wheeler (bicycle – and for those more adventurous among us – motorcycles). In each instance, our comfort zone was expanded by learning a new method of doing something and in those instances we become so good at the new method that it becomes a new comfort zone; But the steps to acquire that new skill had to be taken.
Marketing on the Web can be compared to creating comfort zones in the sense that when we acquire the knowledge and skill to perform an action effectively, many of us remain in that comfort zone and sometimes deprive ourselves of other ways which would compliment that marketing activity thereby giving way to a competitor who is more willing to expand his/her own comfort zone by trying a new marketing technique or new method of doing the same thing.
Your Web-based Business Needs This!
One example I will mention right away is article marketing. There is the traditional method of writing the article, submitting it to a number of distribution services and waiting for the traffic to come. That method has worked for many years, but it is very time consuming.
The alternative method is to write the article, optimize it and submit it to one unique service with a system that allows you to send different unique versions of your article directly to the blogs and websites that are looking for the type of content which your article provides.
This new and improved method of article marketing also helps you to gain a higher Google page rank position, which means more exposure and, ultimately, higher earnings. The Web is a vast area of activity, and many who utilize this powerful medium to do their business must be willing to step out of the comfort zone they had previously established and create others as new and improved methods of marketing come available.
Keep in mind that Web marketing can consist of specialized activity (like article marketing) or many (like a combined approach of article marketing, email campaigns, website publishing, digital promotion & sales, blogging, Web page promotions, etc.), so the more flexible a Web marketer can be probably translates to the more effective a Web marketer s/he is going to be.
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Admin’s Bonus Gift 4U:
If you get a lot of traffic – or a little traffic – to your website, but can’t seem to make any sales, today might just be your lucky day; because TPJaveton WebNet is giving away a free Bonus copy of our Traffic to Buyers Conversion Manual, which we hope will be a big help to you in your efforts to convert your website traffic into buying customers and money in your pockets. Get the BONUS Manual Plus A Second FREE Report Here! Good luck with it and Thank you!
Your Web-based Business Needs This!