Driving Traffic To Your Website With Articles

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A Web marketplace made to order

Many people begin their road to their dream of Web wealth by putting up a website and trying to sell a product they created themselves. They may have written an e-book, recorded a CD of original songs, or published some great recipes accompanied by beautiful pictures of appetizing dishes.

Enormous volumes of hype have been published with the claim that the Web is an easy, if not mindless, way to create wealth. The Web is now a global advertising grid, and millions of people surf each day for things they would like to buy, learn about, or discover. They search for the proverbial needle in an electronic haystack that suits their fancy for the moment. And adding to this convenience is the reality that shopping online has become reasonably safe.

The first problem is, how will shoppers with their credit cards in hand and the urge to buy find your website? According to a Google blog post published July 25, 2008, there one trillion (as in 1,000,000,000,000) unique URLs on the Web at one time! That was just over 3.5 years ago at the time of this writing, so that number is likely to be much higher today. So getting exposure for your little website that promotes recipes to prospective customers may take a little work.

Simple + informative = attractiveness

Search engines use complex algorithms (mathematical formulas) to determine if the content of a website matches its owner’s claims. Self-proclaimed experts who follow this route for exposure must research every day to ensure their success. The search engine companies themselves keep their algorithms secret to avoid unscrupulous marketers taking unfair advantage of the whole internet shopping and surfing experience.

So what is a recipe seller to do? Search engine experts can charge upwards of $25,000 to guarantee that your site might be the first to be found when someone enters a search. That’s a whole lot of appetizing recipes. Some very easy and free methods are available to drive traffic to your website. One of them is writing simple articles. You’re reading one such article right now, aren’t you?


Hundreds of “article directories” exist on the Web just for this purpose. The main and simplest thing people search for on the Web is information, because they want to know about something, and often a good place to find a snippet of information is in an article directory. Thousands of 500-1500 word articles have been written and published online, and people love to read them. If they are short and informative, they will become popular to read, and not too time consuming.

Start writing to attract visitors

Then once your website is up on the Web, write a brief, helpful article about your product. Target the style and content of your writing to suit your friends and customers, as well as yourself. The average newspaper is written for a grade 9 level reader, and tabloids are written for a grade 6 level or lower. Writing on the internet runs the whole gamut of education. Explain a problem that needs to be solved, and at the end provide a solution. Sales copy is more involved than this, but an article should be entertaining, or fit the parameters of a possible search.

The most important part of the article besides the content and the attention grabbing headline, is a live link to your website in the author’s box at the bottom. More often than not, the reader will click that link – if it is live – to see what other information might be available on the particular subject. This link must lead straight to your recipe website. A reader is less likely to copy and paste your website address into their browser if another similar article is listed in the directory.

Write a short paragraph stating your expertise with cooking and recipes, and invite the reader to visit your website. This will be your “author’s bio”. If someone does read the whole article, they are often curious about who wrote it, if it covers the subject they are interested in. Most article directories will accept html code in the author’s bio box.

Submit articles and traffic will come!

Search for the words “article directory”, and make a list of as many as you can. Most directories are free to read and submit your articles to. Registration is usually necessary, with your email as the username. Get another free email address to use specifically for article submissions to avoid any trouble with spam.

After you have submitted your article, it may take a few days for publication. Check back to the directory to see if your article is published and your link is working. Then do it all again. The articles will stay published forever, or as long as the directory exists. Over time, people will continue to read your article, and click back to your website. If you submit your article to 20 directories, and 40 people interested in recipes read it, that’s 800 more potential customers from one article. If you have the time to write 20 little articles and submit them to 40 directories, and 40 people read each one over time, well you can do the math.

Article submission is one of the easiest ways to direct some website traffic your way. Although not necessarily the quickest, it is guaranteed to get results at almost no cost. Give it a try, you may be pleasantly surprised.

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Author: Admin

Hi, I'm Tony, a Web Services Consultant (WSC) from Central New Jersey. Currently I manage the online activities and business operations of TPJaveton & Associates, a Web-based entity I established at my New Jersey residence in 2009. View my full bio here!