Camera Shots Made Perfect with Digital Photography

A shifting of focus

There was a time in the not so distant past when photographers had to take several shots of an image and develop those pictures in order to determine if a quality, or even a perfect image, was taken. This “shoot, develop and determine” process was referred to by many photographers as a “trial and error” technique; and we can certainly understand why they referred to it as such, given the hit or miss manner in which photographs were taken prior to the introduction and perfection of digital photography.

Modern-day technology has made it possible for the majority of professional photographers and other industry experts to shift their focus from regular point and shoot of old SLR models to the improved functionality of technologically enhanced digital SLR models; and with such greater emphasis on, and use of, DSLRs they create a lot more time with which to concentrate on taking great pictures with just about every shot, since images that are not up to par with their own, as well as industry standards, can simply be deleted from the camera.

SLR, the acronym representing Single Lens Reflex, implies the use of lenses and a mirror working as a unit in which the mirror reflects light entering the lens up into the viewfinder thereby allowing a photographer the opportunity to estimate how an image will likely appear when it is developed. Moreover, a SLR camera uses separate lenses that can be interchanged, depending on the resolution needed. Hence, this camera can be used to capture an image with varying depths.

Lens and a mirror

Similarly, a digital SLR or DSLR camera uses lenses and mirror; but instead of a film that records the image, a DSLR camera uses light sensor chips and digital memory. In other words, a DSLR camera is the computerized version of the traditional SLR camera. However, the functions of these models are rather different so it is suggested that users spend time getting familiar or acquainted with these gadgets. It is recommended that owners use that “trial and error” technique by taking a few shots and storing better pictures, after which they will be more able to hack these new models.

Individuals who decide on using these types of cameras should really invest on memory cards and lenses, with the understanding that if they happen to become professionals someday, additional equipment will almost certainly keep them busy when choosing a career in photography. That having been said, we’ve provided a few helpful tips that we hope will be helpful to owners of DSLR cameras in their efforts to capture a perfect image time after time while using the new methods (art?) of digital photography.

Tips and techniques

1. Picture takers usually take full body shots against a background. However, it may be more appropriate to take a shot from the shoulders up, or one of the upper body, because images of those in the picture would otherwise appear really small.

2. If doing the above technique happens to be difficult for the camera user, s/he can take a shot of the person from a side of the photo rather than at the center. Using this technique the picture taker can just zoom in so that the subject (in this case a person) appears to be at the center.

3. The law of optics remains constant whether using an old or digital camera. For instance, if the sun is behind an image, the picture will be silhouetted; and if light is in front of the image, the picture will appear squint unless there are wearing sunglasses.

4. Use your sunglasses to act as a polarizer to take away unnecessary reflections from glaring objects.

5. You can also use sunglasses to increase the exposure of objects.

6. When using a polarizer, be sure that the source of light is perpendicular to the subject.

7. Change your white balance setting from auto to cloudy when shooting bright landscapes and outdoor portraits.

8. Avoid using your flash mode when the setting is already sunny.

9. Zoom in to emphasize a certain asset or characteristic of the subject being captured.

10. Practice. Practice. Practice.

Picture-taking made easy

It suffices to say that the techniques in getting perfect shots have not changed. However, using digital cameras and employing this new art of digital photography have simply improved photo shooting by making picture-taking easy for everyone. In other words, continuous practice is the recipe for perfect shots!


Author: Admin

Hi, I'm Tony, a Web Services Consultant (WSC) from Central New Jersey. Currently I manage the online activities and business operations of TPJaveton & Associates, a Web-based entity I established at my New Jersey residence in 2009. View my full bio here!