A Reason To Join The Inner Circle

Joining a group could be inspiring

One good reason for an individual to join a group is the camaraderie and common interests shared among the members. For Web marketers, more often than not, there is a third element which takes the form of supporting the marketing efforts of each other by way of increased Web traffic and activity to our respective websites, as well as honest and constructive criticisms of those sites.

The Inner Circle is a group headed by Mark Call, the accomplished Author, Speaker and Marketing Coach who did the weekly webcast presentations for GVO. Our IC group consists of Web marketers with Web marketing expertise ranging from newbies (mere weeks of experience) to seasoned pros with several years in the business. From a strictly personal viewpoint, my reason for joining this group – or any other, for that matter – may have been established a very long time ago.

The best from my inner self

You see, during my childhood years I often heard my mother say that “birds of a feather flock together”. Little did I know that it would be translated (in today’s terms) to mean that I would join the inner circle group. Back then I didn’t grasp the full meaning of that old adage uttered by my mother, but it stayed somewhere in the back of my mind just laying dormant for many years until my understanding of the “power-in-numbers” truism really took hold. I joined GVO about 8 months ago and started the process of getting familiar with the company’s system.

My training consisted of attending weekly Webcasts of the Overview Presentation as well as viewing the many video tutorials and attending live classes taught by knowledgeable and experienced instructors. In the process, I found there were two voices that were more prominent than any others. One was the voice of CEO Joel Therien and the other was that of Mark Call. I soon came to realize that Mark was a very important person within the organization and paid special attention to his words and counsel.

Success determined by social acquaintances?

One thing that Mark said during his hosting of the Overview Presentation is, your income is the average of the five people you spend most of your time with. I know that’s not verbatim, but I understood it to mean that you are who you hang out with, and lo and behold (as my mother would say), those words spoken by my beloved mother so many years ago came back to me.

Mark Call symbolizes success as measured by his accomplishments as an author, public speaker, Web Marketer and Web Conference host, as mentioned earlier. My decision to apply for membership in Mark’s Inner Circle was based on my mother’s ‘birds of a feather flock together’ philosophy which was paraphrased by Mark as a gauge of an individual’s level of success or failure.

Find a few eagles to hang with!


I joined Mark’s Inner Circle flock where I expect to learn how to fly and then soar in the proverbial skies of the World Wide Web. There are other people in this circle (birds in this flock) that have had a positive effect on me and whose actions and kindness have enriched my person and enhance my web marketing activities. People like Claire Pooulton, Deb & Steph, Keith Carberry and others. Terry Anglin has had a very positive impact on my Web marketing efforts through his “Word Press/Blogging from the ground up” training.

So you see, based on my mother’s old adage, one could hangout with birds of a positive flock or birds of a negative flock; But since it’s so “…hard to soar like an eagle when you hang out with turkeys”, I’d rather hang out with eagles knowing that one day I will be soaring among Web marketing’s high fliers. Thanks Mark for the invitation to join your Inner Circle! And thanks to all the circle’s members for helping to make it a positive experience!

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